I meant that it won be a BMW. It would basica

I meant that it won be a BMW. It would basically just be another generic electric vehicle and there are plenty of them out there already. There are plenty of things to make them a BMW, from the style of the exterior, to the quality of the materials for the interior, the fit and finish, the performance, the software for the infotainment etc. It pretty wild to say they can make distinctively BMW ICE cars but EVs would somehow be bland and generic. WTF

I make that trip a few times a year for racing. it doesn make financial sense to take an additional two days off for travel, just do it in one long haul. Most of the guys I race with are doing the same thing. Of course, that only 20 ish people so it sure is an edge case but there are also plenty of people in the US doing similar travel.

No asking for upvotes (in any form), no “Cake Day” posts, and no posts to communicate with another Redditor. Posts with titles such as “I got banned from /r/___” or “This got removed from /r/___” are not allowed. Emoji based titles, memetic titles, and titles meant to circumvent any other rules are also forbidden.

Hot take: universal income is a radical strategy that may actually provide some ideas on things we can do. In that ideal society where people can become engineers, artists, teachers, or whatever they want, people still need means to live their life. People that are satisfied chilling out, casually meeting with friends and doing simple work should have the means to live. There should be an award for working hard and really testing yourself, but it should all be on a spectrum.

On top of all that, you have to contend with GTE cars making their way through constantly, meaning you need to keep an eye on the relative, your mirrors, and make sure you use Crew Chief for spotter/engineer updates.Best strategy for pitstops in hour or less races: pit the absolute latest you can, use Crew Chief to calculate how much fuel you need to get to the end, and don change tyres.

This part is a no brainer. You find a car, you buy a car, then you drive it away. That should be easy, right? Well, not exactly. But before we get into the red tape jungle that stands between you and the road, you’ll need to know where to look for your dream machine. Apart from the obvious dealership auctions, it is worthwhile checking out the online portals. The largest online car portals are listed at the bottom of this article. But for the best bargain, the brave go to eBay’s German car auctions. Believe it or not, eBay in Germany is the second largest in the world and it has an impressive car section for those willing to take a chance on the auctions. My BMW was bought on auction there and I got it at a bargain price. Mind you, all of my German friends shake their heads in disbelief when I tell them where I bought my car. So the question you need to ask yourself is:

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Yes, I know the warning that cars like Mercedes and BMW can cost a lot to maintain, but we’re not talking regular maintenance here. I was rear ended on the 285 a few weeks ago, and the guy at the shop asked me how I liked the car. I subconsciously hesitated in my response, and he called me on it. He then told me his boss had the same car and had multiple complaints, including the sunroof and electronic glitches that required him to enter from the passenger side. I’ve heard a few other tales as well.

Later that week I was driving my BMW 735 too fast (near my home) and got pulled over by a police officer who informed me my tail light was not working. I told him to follow behind me to the next filling station where I would get it repaired and he obeyed like a puppy, even helping to replace the lamp.

That is how I feel when it comes to historical figures. People want to rationalize that someone like Lincoln could do something good yet still not be a good person just so they can keep him high up on the pedestal. It never occurred to people that the pedestal shouldn’t be there and that we should look at people for the good and bad they’ve done and let individuals come to their own conclusion about their character.7 years ago

My experience (and decision) was that if I was going to spend an afternoon underneath the car removing the actuator motor and taking it apart I did not want to risk the free fix failing at some point and having to do it all over again. I believe it’s well worth the $50 $100 to purchase a new gear and not worry about it for another 80k miles or more. Since the first writing of this article, replacement gears have actually gone from $100 down to $20 or less!BMW transfer case actuator motor disassembled (brand new black replacement gear pictured).

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Assembly Chinese cabinets are manufactured with absolute ease of assembly in mind. Therefore, most of them use a cam lock mechanism where the cabinet face frame and cabinet sides/top/bottom are held together with a hook type fastener that engages the opposing piece when a screw is turned. A common application of this that we all grew up with can be found in Sauder or Ikea furniture. There are usually some plastic blocks to assist in keeping things square as well. Some manufacturers suggest the use of glue and advise that the client not depend solely on the cam locks.

Last week, BMW unveiled plans to increase the production capacity at its Pretoria based Rosslyn plant, the company’s first production facility outside Germany, built in 1973. The move is expected to enable BMW to double its exports from the country Donauer says that 80% of the cars produced at the plant are exported to countries across the world.

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Rule violators will be warned. Repeat offenders will be temporarily banned from one to seven days. An unheeded final warning will result in a permanent ban. Just in the past year Toyota and Honda now offer standard almost all the safety systems such as blind spot, land departure, emergency braking etc. As these become standard on most cars, they can no longer charge a premium for them. Case in point, on certain Lexus models, if you wanted blind spot, it a 4k trim level package, but it come standard on a Corolla. Car companies are running out of options to charge you for. I had people opt for non lux cars because they come with more safety gear thus they are charging for the apps, nav or ACP.(I dont have Apple CarPlay dunno what its benefits are)

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I need REAL advice/suggestions on a carseat for our first LO. I though that after months of research we’d found our perfect infant seat. The Britax Chaperone. but two things now force us to regroup: 1 its the only seat that Britax now makes in China ( though we will still go with the Boulevard for our next seat, since its super safe 100% made in the US, but too big for an infant )

In order to place another above us, we have to consider ourselves as beneath them. While you may respect them or think them worthy of such esteem, in actual fact you are setting your relationship with them up for failure. We hold people that we put on pedestals to a higher standard than we hold ourselves or others. We see them as more than and better than and while this may be true, it is only true in certain areas of their lives and specific arenas that they operate in. In other areas of their lives they have their shortcomings and when you have someone on a pedestal your tendency is to focus only on your own. This has a negative impact on your own sense of self worth and self esteem. You overlook your own attributes, skills and abilities in favour of the other. You cannot effectively work with the other when you are holding yourself back.

You tried to say that I stated that about some idiotic thing you decided was what I was talking about. It is not the case. Which is why I called into question what your babbling about being bi was all about, when it was a situation that only affects men. Not whatever situation you talking about.

No data is shared unless you engage with this feature. (Privacy Policy)Google YouTubeSome articles have YouTube videos embedded in them. (Privacy Policy)VimeoSome articles have Vimeo videos embedded in them. No data is shared with Paypal unless you engage with this feature. (Privacy Policy)Facebook LoginYou can use this to streamline signing up for, or signing in to your Hubpages account.

Then get an EVSE. They not expensive. A good one with WiFi for remote monitoring is $500. The electrician work should be another $500 or less. (I paid $200 for a used EVSE that doesn have WiFi, and because I was installing my EVSE immediately outside and below my breaker box, the electrician fee to install the outlet was only $250.) Yes, you can use the included 120V cable, but it isn meant for every day use.

The History of My 2005 BMW 325lI was frugal and bought it used just about two years ago. It’s a 2005 325I. Although I’ve discovered how ridiculously different people react or treat you when you drive up in even the most basic BMW, I wanted it simply because I thought the Germans made a superior vehicle more value for the buck.

We lost a cop near me a while back blown away while walking up to a traffic stop. It’s real easy to second guess these cops when they’re not you, not [/i] your[/i] father or your spouse. Were my spouse a traffic cop now, I would almost demand that she have a weapon in hand when walking to a stopped car.

BMW supplies the firm with engineering data atleast two years ahead of production to enable thorough development to be carried out, during which durability tests, hot and cold climate tests and performance tests result in prototype cars being driven40,000km, including 1,500km of those at top speed. Which because Alpinas are not restricted to the 155mph ofstandard BMWs can be anything up to 190mph inthe case, for example, of the recently released B4S Bi Turbo, or 205mph for the B7 Bi Turbo. And what is truly surprising is that, despite all this effort, entry into the eight model world of Alpina can be had for as little as 48,000 although atop specification B7Bi Turbowith a few bespoke extras can cost more thanthree times as much.

Driving directions are more detail oriented because the computer will ask for the city and state you are going to or one of your saved points. Then it will ask you for either a business or a specific address if you have one. The computer will then get your location through their GPS system and download the turn by turn directions to your vehicle’s computer. Once the download is complete the computer will tell you download is complete and that you may use your phone.

So, given that, I think ours is an excellent seat and great for ERF. It’s easy to install in every vehicle I’ve e ER tried. The no re thread harness is worth every penny. I love how padded and plush the cover is. I like that it has the good LATCH connectors and not the flimsy seeming ones like on many other seats. No, it isn’t the ideal ERF seat for some kids, but it’s a great seat for many others!

Around this time it occurs to me to just ring Nuna as there might be something wrong with the seat. They tell me that the seat isn’t compatible with the 3 series, 4 series, X1 and one I can’t remember. Well I’m shocked honestly that it wouldn’t just fit any car, especially a new car!

To give you an example of why this situation is even detrimental, and why I wouldn want her as a ref. All it takes is one second of distraction in all sorts of sports, to fuck up. A good example of this, is that video of the rally driver who gets mooned by some idiot rally fan, gets distracted for half a second, and literally flips their car. If there was a professional video game player that didn want tits bouncing around them because they needed to concentrate, any weeb would instantly get what I talking about. Understand, that this is what you arguing against.

You can use the BMW for so many different things. You can drive it to work. You can drive it to get food. And best of all, you can have it sit in front of your house so that everyone in the street knows that you Martin Caton have a BMW and are a WINNER!

Yesterday, “central locking system” button doesn’t work. Neither does the hazard button next to it. I checked all three fuses and they’re fine. WTF?! UPDATE: Not exactly sure how to explain what it is still, but apparently a little latch that is activated when you push the lock/hazard buttons is broken. My husband jerry rigged it with tape, but that’s only temporary. So now the little button casing just sits outside of its cubbyhole, and I use it that way. And why don’t the doors lock when you begin to drive anyway? Even my old Fords did that!

A better drive than most.I also like early 5 series BMW’s but you need to know about their design faults. You can buy a well sorted one if you know what you are doing.I have listed the design faults for each series on my BMW hubs.I had an early Benz that was very well built, but am not a fan of the Mercedes Benz drive.

This step is easy! You will need all of the paperwork above, your license and your passport. You can find the nearest Kraftfahrzeugzulassungsstelle (car registration office) at the link available at the bottom of this article. When you are there, you will choose your registration plate and afterwards you will need to get it made. However, the folks at the registration office will give you all the assistance you need.